There are times when you hear the word of God or keep it close and then something stares you right in the face and they well up like a spring inside of you. For me, in those times, I look for quick fixes like intensive service and accelerated giving. When those things don't fill up my feelings. I go around doing "bami allah" looking for pity, prayer, anything you can spare really. This is until I can find something that "helps" ( complete with the hand gesture).
Three times in my life, I have encountered issues that all these things didn't work for and I couldn't run. I had to sit still on my hands and wait. When I had to hear who to marry, for instance, I had to come into a place where all the noise was shut out and when I had been sure, it seemed like I was high. It was a quiet stubbornness and even when issues came up around the choice, my heart was fixed.
When issues that come heavy laden with self-doubt show up, once your faith is fixed, there's a calmness. It may not be loud and shouting, it's peaceful and it's not transferable. That is the kind of high that I feel right now.
I would want to say that I have found it
When peace like a river attended my way, the peace in my case has come home. You know how you feel after dealing with an assessment and you are doing your boss walk to the submission desk to collect your A*.
Sometimes you don't see wind or rain but your valley is full and you know you are no longer a slave to fear. This is a blessing that only God can give. Usually, he is willing to help you get to that point from dropping scriptures in your spirit to sending you several Elizabeths on your Mary journey. Those are things I am grateful for because money cannot buy any of them.
Photo credit : google
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