There are times when you hear the word of God or keep it close and then something stares you right in the face and they well up like a spring inside of you. For me, in those times, I look for quick fixes like intensive service and accelerated giving. When those things don't fill up my feelings. I go around doing "bami allah" looking for pity, prayer, anything you can spare really. This is until I can find something that "helps" ( complete with the hand gesture). Three times in my life, I have encountered issues that all these things didn't work for and I couldn't run. I had to sit still on my hands and wait. When I had to hear who to marry, for instance, I had to come into a place where all the noise was shut out and when I had been sure, it seemed like I was high. It was a quiet stubbornness and even when issues came up around the choice, my heart was fixed. When issues that come heavy laden with self-doubt show up, once your faith is fixed, there...