I lost a friend. It still sounds strange because we have not seen in the longest age.
Everyone I mean everyone had something nice and pretty to say about her.
I don't know if I have ever seen her cry.
She was an encourager, a friend, a sister.
Daisy : "fresh, wholesome, and energetic" image and that truly was our Daisy.
When I think of the thing we will miss about her, I also think of the things we are grateful for in her life.
Two weeks ago I would have been scared but today and now, I have peace that she is alright. God loves her (present continuous) and for me that is enough.
I celebrate her life, her love, her warmth, her legacy, her kids, her home and even as every time I remember her I just cry there's this deep seated loss like I will no longer hear her praise God for her family milestones, I will no longer see her smile in mischief over something new. What i remember is her swaying with block shoulders on the corridor, drumming on one of those big lockers in dorm while sitting on the top bunk, laughing her deep seated laugh that came with her heart.
But let me reveal to you a wonderful secret. We will not all die, but we will all be transformed!
1 Corinthians 15:51
Now I am sure that you are not just technically wearing your heart on your sleeve, it's what you are cloth with now.
I love you and we all miss you
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