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The certainty of a lineage................................... a decade plus later.

Today i was honored to hang with my father, brother and friend about 10 years after we met in the University of Ibadan. People got husbands, jobs and other things like that on Chapel ground and a number of times i wondered what was going on till I got in the flow. Now in retrospect I wish I had made more use of my time there. I am however grateful for the seeds that were sown on such a fertile ground.

Never in a million years did I know that the things i did just because will mean so much. Now i get to hang with cool highly influential people because then God decided that my path will cross with some great men. I have always been a hider you know back pews and all. But today as I sat in front, it was a rare and special honor because I knew I was part of a legacy.
I was reminded of who i am and where I am coming from scalliwag and things. I used to hear that you will not remember the clothes you get or the things you have but all I remember for a decade is a life. I don't remember how we met or what i said but people never forget how you treat them.

 I am a Minister not one of my ability but equipped and skilled based on the micro purpose that God has called me to fulfil. Then people like me that are fond of being casual used to dodge when we were asked to talk the part, walk the part, act the part.
 I dodged because it seemed then like a lot of work. Little did I know that it was declaration of faith.
Saying to God, I am a minister, I know it is inside, the world may not see it, my situations may not see it, but i know that it is there. Eventually, your profiting will appear to all.
 I experienced some kind of closure today because I know even I have laid up an inheritance for my seed.  I am content in my space, confident in my seed and I know that all the training was for a time like this.

Recently a friend and I were randomly scanning some posts and we saw an argument about marrying up and being content. We laughed but this morning I realized that there can be nothing more fulfilling than marrying your kind, to me that is a form of marrying up because you don't need to learn new survival techniques for old battles. Don't blame cool kids for their disposition, they are properly placed because of the occupation of their parents. You don't need to know them, they don't need you to know them. The only criteria was that they were born a certain way because their parents lived a certain way.

My take home question now is what are your kids going to be born into? What will they be proud of? Your choice of spouse or your choice of association? The quality of your decision or the flimsiness of your choices?  Of what use is your connect and the quality of your associations?


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