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Its not wrong,............................but its not right

There would always be that thin line between what you think and feel is wrong and the proper thing to do.
The problem usually is that the action may not be bad in itself, its just that as far as you are concerned its a NO,NO.
The bible talks about fleeing from all appearances of evil primarily because its a known fact that there are somethings that may not be bad in themselves but they appear bad. That is no time to call in the debate team and draw from your logic well. Its time to hit the road. As people will say 'OSO!!!!! I no wan know'. Retreat isn't always a bad thing. It might seem like a coward's option but it takes great wisdom to know when to turn away and how to pick your battles.
It's not the big things that raise all the dust its the accumulation of the little things that eventually make you realize that some things far greater than money are being eroded.
The rule of thumb is
1. If you have to think too much, take a step back
2. If you have to explain it severally to yourself in anticipation of the gazillion questions you may need to answer, its probably not worth it
3. If in the final analysis the value of the trade off is not on the same scale, it most definitely requires more consideration
4. When you have to think twice, its time to hit the road.

You would be expecting a to do list containing things that seem and don't seem. Sorry to disappoint you but i don't own such a list. These things are as personal and as flimsy as what to eat, where to hang, where to stand and what to stay.
God didn't create super heroes (that's for Comics and Sci Fi movies), he created champs which means that there is a daily winning specially delivered to your name and  a present situation that would generate a peace and confidence that is meant to help you walk tall, share a secret smileand feel super duper good.
I'm learning to watch out for them especially when it seems like things are going in a blur. For me those are the punctuation marks that differentiate a sentence from a phrase.


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