I used a big word today: Kaleidoscope. If I were to play 4 pictures and one word, that would be my word for today. That would be the word that Grammarly would most likely flag in my vocabulary today. I feel many things today, things that I didn't expect to feel, things that I have to allow myself to feel even though I know everyone has passed round a list of expected feelings and thoughts that they expect me to choose from. Picture1: My last office mate and I. Picture 2: My first office mates and I. Today is my last day at a job I have had for 3 years and 3 months. Actually, 3 years, 3 months, and 8 days when I began work there. 3 years of highs and lows, questioning myself, wondering, and second-guessing. 3 years of stumbling, learning, success and becoming good at what I do. 3 years of earning my stripes and asserting myself to myself. For 3 years I have loved, I have worked, I have learned, I have grown, I have invested my life, and today, it all comes to an end. Th...